The ```` module ======================== .. py:module:: ansys.scade.apitools.expr.access Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: access .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Classes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~ActivateNoInitOp` - Provides activation of an operator with default values. * - :py:attr:`~ActivateOp` - Activation of an operator with initial values. * - :py:attr:`~ArrayOp` - Provides the abstract class for array expressions. * - :py:attr:`~AryOp` - Provides the abstract class for unary, binary, and nary operators. * - :py:attr:`~BinaryOp` - Provides an expression with two operands. * - :py:attr:`~CallExpression` - Provides the abstract class for expression calls. * - :py:attr:`~CaseOp` - Provides the case expression. * - :py:attr:`~ChgIthOp` - Provides the static assignment of a flow. * - :py:attr:`~CondactOp` - Provides the abstract class for activate operators. * - :py:attr:`~ConditionalOp` - Provides the abstract class for restart and activate operators. * - :py:attr:`~ConstValue` - Provides the literal value. * - :py:attr:`~DataArrayOp` - Provides for construction of an array. * - :py:attr:`~DataStructOp` - Provides for construction of a structure. * - :py:attr:`~Expression` - Provides the top-level abstract class for the expression accessors. * - :py:attr:`~FbyOp` - Provides the delay of flows. * - :py:attr:`~FlattenOp` - Provides flattening of a structure. * - :py:attr:`~FlowOp` - Provides an abstract class for flow expressions. * - :py:attr:`~IdExpression` - Provides the constant, sensor, or local variable. * - :py:attr:`~IfThenElseOp` - Provides a vector from a flow and a size. * - :py:attr:`~InitOp` - Provides for the initialization of flows. * - :py:attr:`~IteratorOp` - Provides the base class for iteration operators. * - :py:attr:`~Label` - Provides the label of a projection. * - :py:attr:`~Last` - Provides the last of a local variable. * - :py:attr:`~ListExpression` - Provides a group of expressions. * - :py:attr:`~MakeOp` - Provides the make of a structure. * - :py:attr:`~NAryOp` - Provides an expression with two or more operands. * - :py:attr:`~NumericCastOp` - Provides the numeric cast of a flow. * - :py:attr:`~OpCall` - Calls a user-defined operator. * - :py:attr:`~OpOp` - Provides the abstract class for higher-order operators. * - :py:attr:`~PartialIteratorOp` - Provides partial iteration of an operator. * - :py:attr:`~PreOp` - Provides the previous value of flows. * - :py:attr:`~Present` - Provides the presence of a signal. * - :py:attr:`~PrjDynOp` - Provides the dynamic projection of an array. * - :py:attr:`~PrjOp` - Provides the static projection of a flow. * - :py:attr:`~ProjectionOp` - Provides the abstract class for static projection/assignment of a flow. * - :py:attr:`~RestartOp` - Provides for restart of an operator. * - :py:attr:`~ScalarToVectorOp` - Provides the vector from a flow and a size. * - :py:attr:`~SharpOp` - Provides a sharp expression with two or more flows. * - :py:attr:`~SliceOp` - Provides the slice of an array. * - :py:attr:`~TextExpression` - Provides an expression with a syntax error. * - :py:attr:`~TransposeOp` - Provides for the transposition of an array. * - :py:attr:`~UnaryOp` - Provides an expression with one operand. .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~accessor` - Build the accessor for a SCADE Suite expression. .. tab-item:: Attributes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~LabelledExpression` - Element of a structure. * - :py:attr:`~map_operators` - .. tab-item:: Constants .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~BINARY_OPS` - * - :py:attr:`~MAP_HIGHER_ORDER` - * - :py:attr:`~MAP_OPERATORS` - * - :py:attr:`~NARY_OPS` - * - :py:attr:`~UNARY_OPS` - .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: 🝆 ActivateNoInitOp 🝆 ActivateOp 🝆 ArrayOp 🝆 AryOp 🝆 BinaryOp 🝆 CallExpression 🝆 CaseOp 🝆 ChgIthOp 🝆 CondactOp 🝆 ConditionalOp 🝆 ConstValue 🝆 DataArrayOp 🝆 DataStructOp 🝆 Expression 🝆 FbyOp 🝆 FlattenOp 🝆 FlowOp 🝆 IdExpression 🝆 IfThenElseOp 🝆 InitOp 🝆 IteratorOp 🝆 Label