.. py:function:: create_graphical_operator(owner, name, path, visibility = VK.PUBLIC, symbol_file = None, state = False) Create an operator with a graphical diagram. The operator has a name. :Parameters: **owner** : :obj:`suite.Package` Owner of the operator, which is either the model itself or a package. **name** : :class:`python:str` Name of the operator. **path** : :obj:`Path`, default: :data:`python:None` Path of the file for storing the operator. This parameter is optional if the package's owner is a package. When the path is ``None`` and owner is the model, the operator is stored in the model's default file. **visibility** : :obj:`VK`, default: :obj:`PUBLIC` Accessibility of the operator. **symbol_file** : :obj:`Path`, default: :data:`python:None` Path of the file defining the symbol of the operator. **state** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether the operator is a node. :Returns: :obj:`suite.Operator` .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!