.. py:function:: create_if_tree(expression, then, else_, position = None, label_width = 0) Create a decision in the intermediate structure if it is a tree structure. The graphical properties are expressed 1/100th of mm. They are considered if and only if the owning if block has a graphical representation. Hint for the graphical properties: The size of a node is 80x80. Consider this offset to have consistent values between if nodes and actions. :Parameters: **expression** : :obj:`EX` Extended expression tree defining the condition of the decision. **then** : :obj:`IT` Sub-decision tree to consider when the condition is ``True``. **else\_** : :obj:`IT` Sub-decision tree to consider when the condition is ``False``. **position** : :obj:`Tuple`\[:class:`python:float`, :class:`python:float`], default: :data:`python:None` Position of the decision. **label_width** : :class:`python:int`, default: 0 Size of the label. :Returns: :obj:`IT` .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!